Monterey County Dance Theatre

Copyright © 2012 Monterey County Dance Theatre. All rights reserved.


A Registration/Administrative Fee of $50 is charged yearly for each dancer/family.  (Family is defined as immediate family members and not extended family).   This fee is due with the first payment along with application form.  This completes registration and reserves class placement.   Class placement is not granted without receipt of the aforementioned payments, the student/parent contract which must be initialled and signed by the responsible parties and registration form.


Upon acceptance into the school, your childs' place is reserved for our academic year.  Tuition is payable in 10 equal monthly instalments and due by the first of each month.  Each class levels' tuition is calculated on four weeks of lessons per month.  The tuition is not adjusted for months containing more than 4 or less than 4 weeks.   Students are provided extra free classes and training coinciding with performances throughout the year (average 6).   Adjustments can be made for documented prolonged absences of 14 days or more due to illness, injury or family emergencies.   A late fee of $20 is charged to all accounts outstanding beyong the 10th of each month.  A $30 service charge will be charged on all returned checks/debits plus any applicable bank charges.   All accounts must be up to date to allow students to participate in any performance opportunity.


Students are expected to attend classes and required to make up any missed work.   They will be able to make up any classes they have missed provided it is at their current level or directly below and within their four week cycle.
Parents are solely responsible for notifying the studio of absence prior to or on the day of intended absence.  Failure to do so will result in an unexcused absence
Students with a poor attendance record will not be allowed to participate in performances or be dismissed from MCDT.
Any award of financial scholarship will become null and void for failure to maintain attendance for the academic year of study and rehearsals


Monterey County Dance Theatre offers year end performance opportunities for all students.  Performances is the end result of study.  We produce 'The Nutcracker Ballet' in December every year and also a major Spring production.     Culminating the end of a 10month study students showcase their skills in concert.   Students with the appropriate technical skill will be invited to participate.   The Student Division is the performance arm of MCDT.   Students who miss rehearsals, with excessive absences, unexcused absences will not participate in these events.


MCDT to be notified in writing of withdrawal intent.   A students' withdrawal will be effective from the 1st day of the following month.   Current monthly fee to be paid in full, no adjustments will be made.   We do not accept any withdrawals for December or May.   Any student leaving MCDT with tuition arrears will be de-registered and will not be allowed to return.


MCDT reserves the right to suspend or dismiss any students whose attitude, attendance or conduct is found to be unsatisfactory.


Parent/Guardian/Student will be required to enter and sign into a Contract Agreement between yourself and MCDT and will be valid from 1st August until 30th June.   Please be aware that when signing this Contract you agree FULLY to its contents.

332 Bassett Street
King City, 93930
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